TWD SD7 3-Watt Wired Palm Remote Speaker Microphone [SD7]




TWD SD7 3-Watt Wired Palm Remote Speaker Microphone [SD7] 

MP21M5: The high powered RSM that is wired to the SD7 device, has a speaker, microphone and PTT button and will make sure your voice is heard in any environment.

Compatible Radio Models: 

  • TWD SD7 Push-to-Talk Over Cellular Devices 

Contact Two Way Direct to Stay Connected

Once you’ve received your remote speaker microphone and start putting it to use on the job, you know you’ll have the support of a leading company for troubleshooting and recommendations of compatible accessories. 

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  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Low shipping costs – with fast shipping!

Use this remote speaker microphone for SD7 PTT over Cellular devices  from Two Way Direct with complete confidence. Order online or call (888) 742-5893.


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